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Frequently Asked Questions


I just got my brows done - What are my aftercare instructions?

For the first 10 days post permanent makeup Brow appointment, you will receive the best results by keeping your brows DRY and free from any makeup, moisturizers, excessive sweating, swimming, or any products. At day 10 you can wash your brows and return to your normal skin routine. If you still have scabs at day 10, do NOT pick them off! Allow them to fall off on their own to avoid scarring and from altering the pigment. Remember your skin has been "injured" and exposed, treat it as though you have a cut and need to avoid any infections for the first 10 days. We'll see you in 6 weeks! =)


I recently shaved. How soon can I come in for a waxing service?

At Valentine Esthetics, we ask that clients wait at least 3-4 weeks after shaving with at least ¼ of an inch of hair growth to receive any body waxing services. Hair grows in several different cycles and in order to receive the best possible results, it is recommended that clients DO NOT come in prematurely nor trim the hair down under any circumstances.

Facial waxing is more flexible and allows clients to come in bi-weekly.


Is it safe to tan before or after waxing?

It is suggested that vou wait at least 3-5 davs to get waxed before or after you have tanned using a bed or outdoors. Do not receive waxing treatments if your skin is sensitive and/or sunburned. There is a potential for the skin to lift resulting in scarring. Additionally, skin that has been recently waxed is more photosensitive and susceptible to sun burning. It is however, safe to wax prior to spray tanning.


Is there anything I can do to prepare for my appointment?

On the day of your waxing appointment it is best to avoid consuming caffeine of any kind at least 5 hours before the service. Caffeine can restrict blood flow in your vessels and can increase sensitivity levels in some people. Inflammation and sensitive are normal reactions from waxing, especially if you're new to waxing. As an option, you may consume 2 ibuprofen at least thirty minutes to one hour before your service to decrease chances of inflammation.


How painful is waxing?

When hair is removed from the body, there is some discomfort associated. With that said, many men and women tolerate the service with ease and often state that the more consistent they are with waxing, the easier it becomes.


Is it ok to shave between wax appointments?

No. Waxing is designed to reduce hair growth by thinning out the hair strand. Shaving in between waxing will reverse the progress made from waxing and can cause irritation and ingrown hair follicles.


How long will my wax last?

Individual results vary. Typically, clients should receive about 2-3 consecutive waxes to achieve the best results that include: increased hairlessness (2-4 weeks), softer texture of hair and slowed growth. There is a transitional period involved when you switch from shaving to waxing where hair may grow back quicker than expected. Clients are then encouraged to continue with waxing for at least a second time after a full cycle of re-growth. 


How often should I receive a wax?

At Valentine Esthetics, we ask that clients wait at least 3-4 weeks after shaving with at least ¼ of an inch of hair growth to receive any body waxing services. Hair grows in several different cycles and in order to receive the best possible results, it is recommended that clients DO NOT come in prematurely nor trim the hair down under any circumstances.

Facial waxing is more flexible and allows clients to come in bi-weekly.


How long does the waxing appointment typically take?

Larger body parts such as legs, arms, back, and chest take about 20-30 minutes. Other waxing services including the Brazillians and brows take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Please ntoe that booking times include the prep and cleanup time, therefore it is best that clients arrive on time for appointments.


What can I expect afterwards?

Expect to feel clean and fresh! Some clients may experience slight tenderness or minor swelling for a day or two after a fresh wax depending on your level of sensitivity. We will assess each client's skin and apply appropriate aftercare to minimize these side effects.


Do you have to be a certain age to wax?

Youth under age 17 will not be serviced unless accompanied by a parent. Parents must then sign a release form and must be present at the time of service.


What is a vajacial?

The vajacial is a customized treatment for the vulva (or the top of the femal anatomy). Designed to mimic a facial, the vajacial's purpose is to help restore irritated and hyper-pigmented skin steaming from the results of improper shaving or waxing and harsh depilatory creams. The treatment includes cleansing, steaming, exfoliation, extractions of ingrown hairs, masking and application of a brightening or moisturizing serum. Each vajacial is customized for each client.

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